Vendor Services

Event Application: Bagpipes & Bonnets

Apply Here if you would like to be considered as a vendor for our
St. Patrick’s Day and Easter Celebration!

Event Application: Food, Fire, & Fun Festival

Apply Here if you would like to be considered as a vendor for our Annual
Independence Day Celebration!

Event Application: Witchingtonville
Before Dark and After Dark

Apply Here if you would like to be considered as a vendor for our Annual
Halloween Celebrations!

Event Application: Whoville (Holiday Market)

Apply Here if you would like to be considered as a vendor for our Annual
Whoville Holiday Market!

**Do NOT make any payments until you have received confirmation of participation acceptance from the Washingtonville Events Committee**

Food Vendor Payment

Food Trucks and Vendors: Click Here to make your payment

Merchandise / Craft Vendor Payment

All other Merchandise and Craft Vendors: Click Here to make your payment